Goodbye, random people.


She still thinks about him a lot. They never said goodbye, they just stopped talking. That’s how she knows it is a permanent goodbye. Permanent goodbyes are rarely said out loud and almost never explained. They just are. He knew, and so did she, that they couldn’t be friends anymore after what happened. But that doesn’t mean she is at peace with it. She misses him. The way he could make her laugh and think. The way he could make her do things she would normally be too scared to do. Together they would get in all kinds of trouble. Good trouble, the kind of trouble that makes you feel alive. Now that side of her is gone. The worst thing is that he doesn’t seem to care, it looks like he is just going on with his life, like nothing of any significance happened. That hurts her more than not seeing him anymore. If only she would know he cares too, that he suffers too. But they don’t talk so she will never know. Maybe to him it looks as if you are going on with your life like nothing happened too, stranger.

Her future is so open, so undefined, so unlimited. Nothing is decided yet, she can still do everything, choose everything, go everywhere. It is excited to know her story is still incomplete, that the ending is not yet determined. At the same time it is scary, if your life can go everywhere it can also go to a dark, sad place. Sometimes she wishes it was all behind her, her whole exciting, open future. There are moments she can’t wait for her undetermined, unlimited, mysterious future to become her amazing, adventurous past. To be old, to look back at her life, to enjoy it, to know the future is safe behind her, that’s a feeling she longs for. Now she has to make it, that amazing, adventurous past, and she is not sure if she has the courage, the strength to do it. She has no idea how she wants to go about it, about making her past, but she knows she has to do it. And you will do it, stranger, just take your time. Your past will probably be long.

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